Important information about Margarete Falbe's practice in English:

We are a typical GP practice for family medicine

We are a typical GP practice for family medicine

- We offer consultations and examinations,
- blood and urine tests,
- ECG, spirography, ultrasound treatment, TENS in pain management,
- chirotherapy,
- check-up, screening for skin cancer,
- travel medicine, check-up for scuba diving,
- vaccinations,
- assistance with necessary specialist treatment

Practice opening times

Monday: 08:00 - 12:30 a.m.
Tuesday: 14:00 - 18:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 a.m.
Thursday: 14:00 - 18:00 p.m.
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00 a.m.

Mon.: 11:30-12:30 a.m., Wed.: 12:00-13:00 a.m. and Friday 11:00-12:00 a.m. for infections only, appointment necessary, phone from balcony, you will be asked in! 

Mon., Wed. u. Fri. from 8-9 a.m.

Order a prescription:
phone: 400 590 80 or

Appointment practice

An appointment is needed and short term available.

Make an appointment online

Video consultation

Telephone consultation hours:

Phone: 45 17 111

Monday: 13:30 -14:00 p.m.
Thursday: 13:30-14:00 p.m.

Latest news and closing times

Practice closing time:







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About the practice for general medicine

Practice for general medicine | General practice Margarete Falbe | Magdalena Strzep-Reischke | resume
- In joint practice with Dr. Nicolette Juche and Dr. caroline Neubert

The focus of the family doctor's practice is your comprehensive family doctor care.

This includes:

ECG, spirometry, laboratory, preventive care, health and fitness examinations, wound care, home visits and participation in family doctor programs of individual health insurance companies.

A special focus of the practice is the care of orthopedic patients and pain sufferers in the general practitioner area.
Chirotherapy and ultrasound therapy are used more frequently here.

Quality management, our mission statement

"Our actions are in the service of humanity. Our professions are exercised with conscientiousness and dignity.
The top priority of our actions should be the health of our patients. Where health cannot be achieved, the aim should be to alleviate suffering as best as possible, taking a holistic view of the patient.
We will remain silent about the secrets entrusted to us by the patients even after death.
We will treat every human life from the beginning with reverence and not let age, gender, religion, ethnic origin or other individual affiliations influence our provision of professional care.
Through our behavior we will uphold the honor and reputation of our professions and show respect and loyalty to colleagues.
Through ongoing training, we will adapt our actions to medical progress in the best possible way."

Margaret Falbe
Additional Offers
- Diving suitability tests (GTÜM certificate)
- Youth protection examinations at the start of a career before the 18th birthday
- Travel medicine advice:
- Chirotherapy

- Nutritional advice
- Smoking cessation course:
- Autogenic training

- Pharmacy emergency service
- The medical on-call service of KV Berlin can be reached around the clock:<
- Health authorities: Search by postal code or location (Robert Koch Institute)
- Find health topics / diseases or topics / A service of the Medical Center for Quality in Medicine (ÄZQ)


Allgemeinpraxis Berlin-Wedding | Margarete Falbe | Magdalena Strzep-Reischke | Ärztinnen für Allgemeinmedizin | Müllerstr. 139 | 13353 Berlin-Wedding |

Bus: 106, 120, Tram/Straßenbahn: M13 und M50, U-Bahn/U6: U-Bahnhof Seestr., U9: U-Bahnhof Leopoldplatz |

Telefon 45 17 111 | Telefax 45 97 39 62 | | I Rezeptbestellung: Telefon 400 590 80


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